Unlocking the fullBrainVivo creates foundational models relying on any living organism’s biological neural network (BNN).
These foundational models mimic an individual's unique senses, emotions and perceptions.
We call them BrainTwins.
The brain’s treasure trove is wisdom
Picture a vast network of billions of units, each equipped with a superpower to learn and adapt rapidly over a lifetime. This is your brain.
You own each of these units, which makes you who you are. This remarkable organ is the repository of wisdom, carrying the collective experiences of your existence and the evolutionary knowledge acquired by humans over billions of years.
Capturing individual brain patterns
As living organisms, our wisdom is generated through sensing stimuli from the outside world and our intrinsic transformation on top of our unique biological neural networks (BNN).
Each intake involves hundreds of thousands of unique brain activations, each creating a distinct pattern across our BNNs. Every pattern tells a different story, amalgamating our various individual intelligence domains, such as decision-making processes, intuition, sensations, emotions, feelings, perceptions, memories, and more.
Turning brain patterns into code
BrainVivo is the first company to encode and decode the individuals' BNN along with its patterns and neuronal responses to real-world data. The result is our core technology - BrainTwins.
Our proprietary deep neurotechnology relies on decades of extensive neuroscience research, and our practice from thousands of brain scans.
The content > to > brain encoder
To mimic the biological process of an individual BNN, we conduct advanced MRI scans that record the neural reactions to the presented content. We then encode the transformation of real-world stimuli into individual brain responses based on the BNN behavior.
The content-to-brain encoder is designed to break down the content into its attributes and transform them into a BNN reaction. By repeating this MRI scanning process with various content tagged by the individual, we create a library of content and BNN attributions, which is the basis for our BrainTwin models.
The generative content > to > brain model
The entire library of content-to-brain data is used to create a novel generative model, which can now convert new content to a generated brain response charted according to the individual BNN.
This novel methodology can be applied to diverse content, yielding various generated brain responses.
The brain > to > cognitive process decoder
With a reverse engineering approach, we create the individual brain decoder that transforms the generated BNN into the individual cognitive dimensions.
The brain decoder serves as a cognitive labeling machine that can scale the individuals’ underlying associations and perceptions, yielding deep insights into individual cognitive processes. These insights can be applied to multiple purposes - from querying a BrainTwin to API integration.
Biology is wiser than artificial tech
Intelligence develops gradually, but wisdom is cultivated over eons. Spanning over three billion years, evolution has intricately sculpted biological systems, endowing them with a depth of wisdom far exceeding anything artificially made.
Wisdom is multi- dimensional
The brain is a marvel of many types of intelligences, each representing a unique cognitive skill. Wisdom is the remarkable capability to simultaneously summon, utilize, and mix multiple intelligences.
Lightweight & efficient foundation models
Supervised by evolution and digitized by neurotech, BrainTwins are wisdom on the edge. These lightweight foundation models are available for widespread and varied use.
Co-authored by the company’s founders
Science // 2018
New Dimensions for Brain Mapping
NeuroImage // 2017
Resolution Consideration in Imaging of Cortical Layers
Brain Structure and Function // 2015
In Vivo Correlation Between Axon Diameter and Conduction Velocity in the Human Brain
Cerebral Cortex // 2011
Visualization Of Cortical Lamination Patterns With Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Nature Neuroscience // 2020
Conservation of brain connectivity and wiring across the mammalian class
Magnetic Resonance in Imaging // 2008
AxCaliber: A Method for Measuring Axon Diameter Distribution from Diffusion MRI